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Ranskill Primary School

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Termly Overviews

2024 - 25 

Autumn Term 1

Focus - The Amazon Rainforest.

Class texts- Journey to the Riversea - we will write a setting description, a letter and an Amazon factfile based on the novel.

Maths - 'Place Value' and 'Calculation'

Autumn Term 2

Focus - The Mayan People and chocolate.

Class texts - various non-fiction books - we will write a comparative text about the Mayans and Stone Age Britain.

Maths - 'Fractions' and 'Position & Direction'

Visit to Cadbury world

Spring Term 1

Focus - The Writing's on the Wall

Class texts - War focus - Macbeth, Holocaust Memorial week, and 'Oranges in No-mans Land'

Maths - 'Shape', 'Decimals', 'Percentages' (plus their relationship with fractions), 'Statistics'

Spring Term 2

Focus - The Writing's on the Wall cont. plus Flames, Frills and Frustrations

Class texts - Diver's Daughter and The Lost Words

Maths - 'Ratio', 'Algebra', 'Area, Perimeter and Volume', 'Converting Units'

Summer Term 1

Focus - Flames, Frills and Frustrations cont.

SATs revision

SATs week - 12 - 16 May

Sports Day

Summer Term 2

Focus - 1317 Acres

Class texts - The Girl of Ink and Stars

Maths - Projects

Residential visit to Seahouses



For further details of other subjects please visit the curriculum page
