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Ranskill Primary School

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Support for parents/carers

As a parent/carer, we appreciate that sometimes life can be a little overwhelming and sometimes you just need a bit of help This page is for you as a parent/carer, and has lots of advice to help support our children, as well as supporting you! Please feel free to contact any member of staff if you are struggling with your mental health - we are all here for you too.

Free parent training!

Do you find that you are arguing with your loved one often? Are you and your child constantly falling out? 

The Local Authority are offering fantastic FREE courses for parents to complete training to help reduce conflict within the home. You can complete the course independently, with your family, or with the support from a member of staff at school (please do contact us if you would like to choose this option). 

There are three modules to choose from:

Me, you and baby too  – aimed at new and expectant parents 
Arguing better – aimed at parents experiencing high levels of stress and couple conflict.​
Getting it right for children - aimed at separating or separated parents experiencing high levels of conflict.
You can choose to complete one, or all of the modules - this is up to you. Each course takes approximately an hour to complete and has some real-life scenarios and tips to help you with reducing parental conflict. 
If you would like to sign up and complete this training, please visit and click 'Nottinghamshire' to start the training. Alternatively, you can click on the flyers below and follow the links/QR codes there. Any parent/carer who signs up for any of the courses will also receive a free additional module on debt support! If you need any help with this, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Lyons (or any teaching staff), we will be happy to help you!

Useful links

Local food hubs

As the digital world is constantly changing and developing, please read the useful hints and tips to ensure that your children are safe on the internet. Please see recent updates on ClassDojo for scary statistics about children at Ranskill and their online profiles. We must work together to ensure that they are all being safe online! 
