Equality Objectives
Equality Objectives
Ranskill Primary School
Legal framework
At Ranskill Primary School:
We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual identity.
We welcome our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 to promote community cohesion.
We recognise these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
Guiding Principles
Staff and Governors are committed to promoting equality. This involves tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is celebrated and valued.
We believe that equality at our school is delivered through our 'Take Care' ethos, should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. At Ranskill, equality is a key principle for treating all people the same irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs/faith tradition, sexual orientation, age or any other of the protected characteristics (Single Equalities Act 2010).
Equality Objectives (2022/26):
Religion, Beliefs and Race
Objective: To improve pupils’ knowledge of the difference between cultural identities and religious practice both in the UK and in specific areas of the world.
Why: Data collected from the census shows that the vast majority of our pupils have a White British background. Local statistics also show that the communities in which our pupils live are similar. Therefore, it is vital that our pupils develop a deeper understanding about other cultures, religions and the difference between identities and practice so that they can foster good relations in the future; understanding the views, needs and rights of themselves and others.
How: Our curriculum will evolve to become rich with examples of diversity of cultures. Pupils will have the opportunity to visit different places of worship in the extended community (e.g. the Gurdwara in Doncaster). Ensure a curriculum focus in each Key Stage once a year, which involves study of a different location and its peoples (areas of Africa, US, China). KS2 pupils compare Christian rites of passage in different countries within the RE curriculum. Visitors from different faiths will be invited into assembly to talk to pupils. Pupils will participate in a weekly ‘news’ assembly, which will involve items about culture, religion and diversity.
Outcome: Pupils will recognise that Christians worship in different ways around the world. Pupils will understand the key facts/ beliefs of the key religions at an age appropriate level. Older pupils will be able to explain that cultural beliefs are geographically based and religious beliefs come from a core belief. Pupils seek out new opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of different cultures, showing high levels of interest; for example including different cultures in their written and art work. Pupils demonstrate respectful attitudes towards people from other cultures and races.
Gender and Sexual Orientation
Objective: Ensure that children understand that people and families are diverse / unique. Ensure children have a positive understanding / attitude towards those that are different to themselves.
Why: We want to ensure that there are no barriers to attending Ranskill Primary School for any family and we fully advance the equality of opportunity. We need to prepare children for adult life, including their own possible future as part of a unique family.
How: Pupils will experience many age appropriate activities to contribute to their diverse education, including participating in weekly 'news' assemblies. We will read texts that include gender stereotyping and raise issues such as Cinderella, Giraffes Can’t dance ,There’ s A Boy in the Girls Bathroom. We will use resources for different families same love on Mothers / Fathers / special days, such as SCARF, Christopher Winter, and Stonewall. School Council will hold a poster competition, which will focus on different families, same love. KS2 children will be introduced to the correct language that describes the diversity within society and over time will be able to understand the implications of its incorrect use . In SRE, Year 6 pupils will discuss adult choice of partners within lessons and will be introduced to the PRIDE parades to understand why they take place.
Outcome: Pupils will be able to talk about how families are different and the same and will realise that it’s ‘love’, ‘support’ and ‘how they treat one another’ that matter, not who makes up the family. Pupils have an understanding of the correct use of language to describe adult choices. Y5/6 pupils will also understand the correct language to use to describe a sexual choice. All pupils understand what personal choices are at an age appropriate level. Pupils use no gender / sexual orientation language or remarks offensively in school. Children can recognise gender stereotyping in speech, books and media.
Disability and Age
Objective: Encourage children to value older people and people with disabilities in our local community.
Why: As a ‘Take Care’ school, pupils need to participate in ‘Take Care of Others’ activities based in the local community. This ensures pupils are aware of the needs of their community and become active in promoting the welfare of all.
How: Opportunities to invite older people from the community into school to support reading and use their skills – e.g. playing board games, sports club, music club, sewing club. Link strengthened between school and Barnby Court Care home to include regular visits and opportunities for more pupils. Establish a link with St Giles School. Pupils to read texts that show disability / ageist issues (Wonder, Grandpa Chatterji). Pupils make minced pies/Christmas gifts and deliver to older people within the community.
Outcome: Pupils willingly volunteer for community activities and pro-actively seek out these opportunities. Community work develops over time to become a deeply embedded value within the school community. Increase the number of community volunteers that help within school. Pupils demonstrate respectful attitudes towards older people, which continues after they leave Ranskill. Pupils feel relaxed and confident in the company of older people and people with disabilities. Pupils recognise similarities and not just differences with people / children with disabilities.
These objectives have been agreed following analysis of data and will be monitored by the Local Governing Body. Annual updates will show progress against these objectives.
Further Information
More information of the Equality Act 2010 and schools can be found here:
Here are some of the things we have been doing to meet our objectives:
Here are RotaKids delivering handmade Christmas decorations (and boxes) to the elderly in the community! All children were very polite and the gifts were gratefully received. Well done RotaKids!