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Ranskill Primary School

We 'Take Care' and 'Go Beyond'

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Personal Development awards

We have recently launched new personal development awards in which all children in school should be able to work towards. These are split into three progressively difficult awards: Take Care, Beyond Expectation and Profound Personal Development. Children who receive Take Care will be awarded with a certificate and a badge that they can wear on their uniform with pride. 


Why aim to achieve these awards? ​

  •  To recognise and acknowledge the active role you play in the life of the school and the wider community.​
  •  To encourage you to make positive choices which will benefit your class, school and community.​
  •  To encourage you to become responsible, informed and active members of your class, school and wider community.​
  •  To become more actively involved within our British Values.​
  •  To help you become a more confident, independent ‘Take Care’ role model.​



As these awards are based our children's personal development, we have high expectations and emphasis on the children completing these awards themselves, and less reliant on parental/adult support.



Here are the first children to achieve their 'Take Care' award! We are looking forward to seeing you wear your badges with pride.

To achieve Take Care, children need to complete 11 of these statements, for at least half a term: 

  • I am well presented and wear the correct school uniform​
  • I look after my belongings, including my jumper, coat and PE kit (including carrying it myself if possible) ​
  •  I arrive at school punctually and every day if I can ​
  •  I take care with my personal hygiene (hand washing, sneezing into sleeves, showering etc.) ​
  •  I read at least three times a week at home​
  • I complete my homework every week​
  • I frequently use my manners and respect all school adults​
  • I try my best with all my school work​
  • I take part in a school club before, during or after school​
  • I actively involve myself with paired and whole class learning ​
  • I put myself forward to represent the school (school council, RotaKids, sports events, etc.) ​
  • I make healthy food choices ​
  • I play cooperatively and make good choices whilst playing ​

Well done to Lottie, who is the first person to achieve the second personal development award; Beyond Expectation! She has worked hard to support our community - wear your medal with pride!

To achieve 'Beyond Expectations', children need to complete everything from 'Take Care' at least one from section 1 and two from section 2: 

Section 1:​

  • I have completed everything within ‘Take Care’, one from this section: ​
  • I support lunchtimes (sweeping, stacking chairs, helping KS1) regularly ​
  • I represent the school in in-school events/competitions (sport, music, art, house competitions, school council, supporting a club, RotaKids) ​
  • I represent the school in an out-of-school event/competition (sport, music, art, etc.) ​
  • I choose to read with someone else in a different class once a week for half a term​


Section 2: ​

  • I volunteer as a KS2 litter picker once a week for half a term ​
  • I volunteer as a lost property monitor once a week for half a term ​
  • I volunteer as a library monitor once a week for half a term ​
  • I volunteer as a playground helper once a week for half a term ​
  • I volunteer to do something kind for the community  ​
  • I volunteer to do something kind for an adult in school regularly  ​