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Ranskill Primary School

We 'Take Care' and 'Go Beyond'

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We are a “Take Care” School


We would like to welcome you and your child to Nursery's class page.  We hope you find the information useful. If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.


Every morning, staff are at the entrances into school for you to pass on quick messages or ask questions. If you need a more private moment, or need to speak to your child’s key person at length, you are very welcome to make an appointment.



 A full overview of the Nursery Curriculum for the year and how that fits into the school Curriculum can be viewed here



General Information for All Nursery Parents


The Admissions Policy for Nursery can be accessed here.

If you wish to request a place for your child in Nursery please download and then complete the form below and return to school.  If you require a paper copy please contact the school office.