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Ranskill Primary School

We 'Take Care' and 'Go Beyond'

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RotaKids is a highly recognised club, that is sponsored and funded by Retford Rotary Club. This club recognises the community and will go above and beyond to support the people in their area. A group of KS2 volunteers meet each week, with Mrs Lyons, to learn new skills that can support Ranskill. As a reward for our hard work, we often get treats like sailing, swimming and certificates to say thank you! 

Find out what we have been up to!

Hobbycraft project

We teamed up with Hobbycraft, who created some fun and exciting projects using their products. During this, we learnt all about budgetting, marketing and product management. We all created different handmade gifts, such as keyrings, bookmarks, animal pom poms and fidget toys. At a parent coffee morning, we sold the products - along with a raffle - and raised a phenomenal £187! RotaKids decided to donate this to Bluebell Wood Children's hospice as it is a charity close to our hearts. Hobbycraft were so impressed with our efforts that they awarded us with a trophy and a voucher for Hobbycraft! 


Easter kindness

Throughout the spring term, we decorated compostable pots and planted flowers. Once complete, we delivered these to the community to put a smile on their faces. 


Art projects

The Retford Rotary club host an art competition each year, in which we enjoy participating in. Some children were highly commended by the judges and invited to an awards ceremony. We enjoyed admiring at others' work and celebrating other schools' success. 


Fundraising Fayre

As part of our KS2 topic, everyone in RotaKids were affected by homelessness in our country. We were so touched by it, we decided that we wanted to raise money for Shelter (a homelessness charity) to help people have a better quality of life. We are currently planning and organising a fayre for the summer months to help raise money here. 


Litter in Ranskill

Many children have been shocked by the amount of litter still in Ranskill. We have identified how many bins there were around Ranskill, and whether they were suitably placed. We are currently in process of writing to the council to ask for more bins to be placed in the area. We even reasoned where they should be some! 


Autumn days

As Autumn drew nearer, we noticed lots of leaves had fallen off the trees in and around our school. These became slippery and dangerous when wet. RotaKids all worked tirelessly in their lunchtimes to sweep and collect all the leaves on the paths, in the car park and outside the school gates. We also put the leaves in an area to create our very own compost site. 


Community Christmas

In the weeks towards Christmas, we wanted to make our community smile. Children spent their time making beautifully crafted tree decorations and boxes to put them in. It took a few weeks but we were so proud of our decorations. We then decided to take these and deliver them to the elderly residents around school. They were so delighted with their gifts, one resident even commented that we'd made his Christmas perfect! Wew also sent our handmade boxes to the local care home with mince pies for the residents to enjoy! Lots of happy people this Christmas. 


Eco bricks

As a community, we recognised that there was a lot of litter in Ranskill. We created posters, which were sent to the council to put up around the area, to encourage people to put their rubbish in bins. We also organised a litter pick with the council. 

We also had a thought about what to do with the wasted plastic. Then, we asked the whole school to collect any plastic into large 2 litre bottles and bring them into school - these could be filled with crisp packets, carrier bags, sweet wrappers and any other plastics found in the house! These were called 'Eco-Bricks' and we ended up with almost 100 of them! Well done Ranskill! Knowing how hard we have worked, we are aiming to put the bricks together to create a statue or a wall to celebrate our achievements! 



Each week, we are learning Makaton (a child-friendly version of sign language). We revisit our previously learnt signs and enjoy learning new ones. Once we are fluent, we will be taking out skills to the community!



 During the last few days of summer, Rotakids were invited to take part in a sailing experience at Daneshill Lakes. We spent the whole day there, learning how to sail a boat (completely independently!) and playing lots of games on the water. Mrs Footitt even convinced Miss Caborn to have a go!
