School Uniform
What does my child need to wear to school?
Ranskill Primary School
School Uniform Policy
School uniform helps everyone to feel they are part of the team. This helps to maintain our high standards of behaviour, which leads to better learning and a harmonious atmosphere.
Please note it is not necessary to purchase uniform from any particular supplier. This helps to keep costs as low as possible for parents.
The following items are required unless stated otherwise:
- Red sweatshirt / fleece / cardigan with or without school logo
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt.
- Plain black or charcoal: skirt, OR shorts (not sports) OR trousers, OR pinafore dress.
- Gingham red/white dress. (optional)
- Plain black shoes or boots with low heels (no more than 5cms in height). Please note that trainers, crocs (or croc style), open-toed or sling back shoes are not permitted.
For P.E. your child will need:
Indoor kit
- White T- shirt with logo/or plain white T-shirt.
- Plain black/navy shorts or leggings.
- Trainers/plimsolls. (Some indoor P.E may be completed in bare feet.)
Outdoor kit
As above but during cold weather can include:
- Plain black/navy jogging/tracksuit bottoms.
- Plain sweat shirt, tracksuit top or school sweatshirt.
All long hair must be tied back with a bobble for P.E.
Note: Each item of clothing should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Serious damage and pain can be caused if earlobes rip because of earrings being caught in clothing, hair or by another child. Therefore, children may only wear a small pair of stud earrings.
These must be removed for PE sessions including swimming. (Earrings may be covered with tape for the first 6 weeks after piercing.)
Nail polish is not permitted. Pupils are not allowed to wear any make up, body art transfers or tattoos.
Special consideration:
Parents can apply in writing to the governing body if they wish their child(ren) to wear different items for religious, cultural and health reasons.
Ranskill logo uniform is available from Uniform Direct. There is a shop in Gainsborough (9 Market Street, Gainsborough. DN21 2BL) or you can order online.