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Ranskill Primary School

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Out of Hours Owls


Ranskill Primary School Wrap-around Care

Out of Hours Owls offers a daily breakfast club and after school club for anyone who attends Ranskill Primary School (Rec - Y6).

Breakfast - 7.45 - 8.55am             After School - 3.30 - 5.45pm

Breakfast club is located in the hall. Children enter via                   After school club is located in the hall or in Class 5.             

the hall door. A breakfast of toast, cereal and juice is                     Children can be collected via the hall door or via the front        available. Children go straight to their classroom at                     door when in Class 5.  A light snack is available.

8.55am. Mrs Finlayson takes care of breakfast owls.                    Mrs Mitchell takes care of our after school owls.



Charges - £4.50 per hour. 

(Please note there is a minimum requirement of an one hour booking per session. Subsequent half hours (or parts of) will be charged at £2.25.)


Out of Hours Owls Booking Form

Use of Childcare Vouchers


Ranskill Primary School accept childcare vouchers but only for specified activities within the rules of the Government Childcare Voucher Scheme.


Childcare vouchers are only acceptable for the following eligible activities:

  • OWLS Breakfast Club
  • OWLS After School Club

  • After School Clubs (Art, Cheer, Multisports ect)

  • Nursery Fees


Childcare vouchers are not accepted for the following:

  • School Lunches

  • Nursery Lunches

  • Voluntary Contribution
  • School trips during school hours or related to the school curriculum
  • Residential trips that take place away from the school’s registered premises.
  • School Uniform


Please be aware that, under HMRC rules, any overpayment of childcare vouchers cannot be refunded directly to parents due to the tax benefits received on purchase.


Ranskill Primary School is set up with a number of different childcare voucher agencies including; Edenred, RG Childcare, Bravo Voucher Services and many more. You need to register for these schemes through your workplace.


We are also set up with the Government's new tax free childcare scheme, to register for this you need to do so through their portal and select Ranskill Primary School as your childcare provider. More information can be found here:
