Counting Forwards Songs
When children are at the very early stages of counting it helps them to learn songs that count forwards. Start simply by getting your child to count to three, showing you the correct number of fingers. Useful songs are:
Number One: Hickory Dickory Dock the Mouse ran up the clock
Number Two: Two Little Dickie Birds, one named Peter one named Paul
Number Three: Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any wool?
Many of the traditional songs we all know and love ask children to count backwards at the very early stages of learning to count. Counting backwards is a skill and one we introduce early, but only when children are secure at counting forwards to at least 10.
There are some classics like Fish Alive, One Little Indian (dinosaurs or whatever your child likes!) and One potato that all count forwards. Many of the classics however that we know and love count backwards but these can easily be adapted to count forwards.
No currant buns in bakers shop! No round ones, fat ones or cherries on the top. Along came a baker with some dough one day, cooked up a bun and put it on display. Yea! One currant bun in the bakers shop Two currant buns Three currant buns Four currant buns Five currant buns in the bakers shop, round and fat with a cherry on the top. Along came the baker at the end of the day, took the currant buns and gave them all away! |
ONE LITTLE DUCK One little duck went swimming one day, He wanted to find some friends to play. Mother duck said ‘Come back, come back’, And two little ducks came swimming back! (Repeat up to 5 or 1 0 little ducks) |
One, Two, Three, Four,Five…
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive!
6,7,8,9,10 then I let him go again! Why did you let him go? Because he bit my finger so. Which finger did he bite? This little finger upon my right! |
The Tune can be found here:
Oh we can count… Oh we can count with the big bass drum and this is the way we do it. 1,2,3 on the big bass drum and that’s the way we do it. |
Repeat changing the instrument and number of beats. Tune can be found here:
Five little firemen standing in a row,
1 2 3 4 5 lets go. Jump on the engine with a SHOUT, the fire is out! |
The tune can be found here: Remember to count forwards!