Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) and Citizenship
PSHEE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economical Education, that contributes to the knowledge, skills and understanding children and young people need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It allows them to understand how they develop personally and socially. PSHEE and Citizenship contributes and offers learning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum, and at Ranskill, we aim to provide many opportunities for children to be independent, resilient learners who have life-skills to help them resolve any challenges they may face.
Personal Development
At Ranskill, we aim to develop well-rounded pupils who continually show resilience and integrity both in and out of school. With our high expectations and aspirations, children strive to go 'beyond expectations' and leave school able and ready to cope with life's challenges. Our 'Take Care' ethos of the school is evident throughout and children are constantly trying to take care of themselves, of others, of the school and of their work. As a result of this, children tend to have positive mental health and are able to function emotionally and socially as well as manage conflict maturely.
British Values
We uphold all of the British Values - democracy, individual liberty, rule of law, tolerance/mutual respect - throughout areas of PSHEE. These are also explicitly referred to during weekly circle time through Picture News. It also refers to the nine protected characteristics and the impact on the world if we didn't uphold these.
In Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHEE and Citizenship forms one of the three prime areas (personal and social development) and teachings are heavily focused around this area to help each child develop. This involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities. All of these skills are taught within topics across the year.
KS1 and KS2 follow a set of objectives that allows for clear progression, where skills are built upon from previous year groups’ knowledge. There are five key areas of learning for PSHEE and Citizenship, each with further sub-headings for organising learning, which are as follows:
- Me and My relationships
Relationships and sex education
- Keeping myself safe
Drug (and wider risk taking) education
Internet safety
- My healthy lifestyle
Physical and mental wellbeing
Mental health and resilience
- Me and my future
Personal finance
Careers and enterprise
- Becoming an active citizen
Citizenship education
These topics are organised in relation to specific events and dates across the year. PSHEE and Citizenship will be provided through any of the following:
- Discreet curriculum time
- Regular teaching through contexts for learning
- Assemblies, class assemblies, discussions, circle time and Picture News
- As and when issues arise, ensuring time is made to meet and address the needs of the children.
- Extra-curriculum activities – Anti-Bullying week, health days, visits from external providers etc.
PSHEE subject overview