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Ranskill Primary School

We 'Take Care' and 'Go Beyond'

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Home Learning

How can you help your child with their learning?

  • Provide basic home learning materials such as pencils, pens and paper and a quiet place to concentrate
  • Read with them at least three times a week, discussing the text, making predictions, sharing opinions and developing fluency (speed of reading) and expression
  • Remind your child to practise their spellings each week - preferably a few spellings each night rather than all in one go
  • Remind your child to complete their weekly homework activities to a high standard and hand these in on time (Wednesday is hand-in day!)
  • Remind your child to practise their times tables and help them to access the relevant websites
  • Let me know if your child is struggling academically or emotionally - if I am aware, I can help


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Cherrill

Year 3 and 4 Class Teacher
